Wednesday, August 26, 2009

10 months!

Yes, it has been 10 months since I last posted. How pathetic I am. I started running again while in California. HILLS! Unbelievable. There aren't hills here like there are there. When we got back, I ran on Monday. It was good. I hope I'll run tomorrow, but at least I did do a video today. I am pathetic. Are you pathetic? You know it's important to exercise, but do you? Right. Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still Running!

Usually when I don't post, it means that I've been lazy and haven't run. However, that is not the case for the last 2 weeks. I ran 3 times last week and have run twice so far this week. It's REALLY dark when I run so I make sure to run under the street lights. A couple of times I thought that I'd take Tori out in the jogging stroller after I took the girls to school, but the thing is, if I don't do it first thing, I won't do it. It's the way I'm wired, I guess.

I keep thinking about lifting weights, but I'm too lazy to do it. It's sort of boring. I'm trying to collect some fun music to exercise to, so if you have any suggestions, let me know.

I think I'm doing about an 11 minute mile which is slow, but at least I actually jog and even run most of it! I am up to about 3 miles for regular runs and 4 1/2 for my long runs. I'm going to add another half mile on Saturday.

Well, I'm pretty excited that I am still running. While I don't think I'm losing weight, my clothes are fitting a bit better. Yay! I'm also on chapter 4 of Ephesians. There's lots of good stuff there.

Today when I went to get Tori, she said, "Momma, your face is hot." I asked her, "Do you know why?" and she said, "You runned." She's so doggone cute!

Happy Running!


Feel free to check out my other blog to see what else I've been up

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Diet, Schmiet

Sleep, some people say, is overrated. Not in my world. For the last 3 weeks, I have been sleep deprived and while I wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning, I just don't have the energy to run, jog or even walk. It's a lame excuse, but it's hard to function without sleep so i let running go by the wayside.

Not only that, but even when I do have the energy, if I don't do it in the morning before the girls go to school, I won't go. I keep thinking, "I'll just take Tori in the jogging stroller after I drop the girls off." Nope. I don't do it. Have I even used the single stroller once? Nope. Not once.

How pathetic am I?

So, I decided to try the Wu-Yi tea diet/program. Drink their tea, follow their diet plan, exercise and you will lose weight. I tried it last week. Managed to choke down one cupful, go for a run, eat sensibly. Then I tried to drink the second cupful and couldn't do it. It's NASTY! Now, I know there are a lot of you who LOVE tea, so this system could work for you. I HATE tea. Hate, hate, hate it. Still, they made getting a flat stomach sound easy. So, I tried it. I'll be sending it back.

But, the idea of being consistent in food habits and exercise is still sound, so I'll just have to keep trying that. As you can see from my blog, I'm not good at that. Remember the stretching regiment? Yeah, I did that once. (However, I'm stretching more than usual after, a run if not before).

So, all this to say, that I ran today. I wanted to run for at least 30 minutes and to make sure I added a bit. Well, that bit turned into 20 extra minutes and I didn't walk once. Crazy! I did have my mind occupied with Ephesians 1:1-17 trying to make sure I had it down pat. I haven't worked on Ephesians since the last time I ran. I can't believe how long I went. I'm going to work on the rest of Ephesians 1 the next time I run (which I hope is tomorrow) and make sure that I have all of Chapter 1 down.

While I was making a huge loop, I ran into (no pun intended) people who were out walking twice. They were doing the same loop, but in the opposite direction. Anyway, one person said to me, "I guess I'm supposed to tell you that God loves you." Don't I know it! I told her that I knew it and that God loved her, too. It sort of made me cry.

I have posted some new projects on my other blog,, if you want to take a look.

Happy running!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Actually Enjoyed a Run!

Yes, you heard it here. I actually enjoyed myself yesterday. So, I was reading in a Runner's World magazine about 3 men that ran across the Sahara Desert. It took them 111 days. They would trade iPods because they'd get sick of their own. They said they had a LOT of time to think. I don't listen to music while I'm running, but I have taken to memorizing Scripture. It helps to keep my mind off that HILL that I have to go up. I came back from about a 4 mile run (I think), but felt refreshed. It's been a while since I actually enjoyed myself. Yeah!

Keep running!


Friday, August 22, 2008


I am so allergic to August. It started right when I was pregnant with my second child and hasn't quit. This year was a little different in that it rained so much here (CRAZY for Colorado), that my allergies seemed better. However, the dry is back and allergies are making my nose run. Which sort of affects my running. I'm not one of those people who runs even if they're feeling yucky. I feel yucky. Still, I ran 4.5 miles yesterday with a smidgen of walking. I was pretty proud of myself. I also ran on Tuesday about 3 miles but not on Monday. Today, I took it easy. I'll run again tomorrow. I might run the same distance, but who knows.

Three years ago I became allergic to cats. That's a bummer because I love petting cats. No more, though. My eyes and nose could run marathons!

Why do I run? I'll have to answer that next time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sometimes it's hard being a girl.

Today was one of those days. We went camping this weekend at Lathrop State Park and had lots of fun. I brought running shoes, but didn't run. Monday, I woke up at 4:30 am and didn't run, but at least I did a strength training workout. Today, however, I did run. It was a pathetic run. It was short and slow and not enjoyable. It is a day that makes it hard to be a girl. Oh well. At least I went. Have any of you tried the stretching exercises from Runner's World? Jim and Phil Wharton wrote this article and suggested I do these stretches before and after a run. I am no stretcher. I sort of stretch my thighs and calves a little after a run, but that's it. However, after I read an article about stretching in Runner's World, I decided to try their stretches today. Do I feel so much better? They did feel good, but we'll see if I keep it up. It supposed to take 15 minutes each time. One of the reasons I run instead of walk is because it is faster! Do I really want to add 1/2 hour to my exercise time? No. However, I do see some benefits to stretching, so I'll let you know how I fare this week.

Keep running!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

This week

So, I went to the Stampin' Up! convention in Salt Lake City and got 10 hours of sleep from Wednesday through Saturday. Needless to say, I was pretty tired. Still, I managed to get one run in on the treadmill in the hotel. For the life of me I could not fall asleep on Wednesday night so at 4 in the morning, I got up, got dressed and went downstairs only to fine that the gym didn't open until FIVE! The nice bellman assured me that there was a trick to get in and showed it to me. Of course, I knew I would probably not be back because I NEEDED my sleep! Well, I got on that treadmill and ran a VERY SLOW 3 miles. I couldn't believe how tired I was after that run. I mean, I thought I had at least been running 3 miles (I have GOT to find my Garmin), but I think I have been deluding myself.

Then I got back and ran Monday. I turned Pentecostal the last quarter of a mile begging Jesus to help me to the next rock 2 feet in front of me, then to the tree, then the next car and so on. Oh dear. There was no way in the world that I was going to run a half-marathon that my friends want me to run in September. NO WAY!

I did some strength training on Tuesday and ran yesterday and today, the same distance only I went the opposite way today just to mix it up a little. I even did a couple of fartleks in the first mile and one at the very end. Those last two runs were a little easier, but I still don't think I can face doing 13.1 miles yet. It's a little crazy. For those of you who will do it, more power to you. Right now, I'm pretty content with my 4 miles/day. Of course, I've been thinking of trying 6 miles next week. We'll see!

Running because I want to,


Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm a runnin'


I have decided to switch this blog from being my business blog (go to for that) to a blog about my wannabe goal of being fit and trim. I have chosen running and some weight lifting as my mode of exercise mostly because I don't need a gym membership to do it and I can do it at my leisure with the least amount of money!

I started running again after a 2 year on and off again hiatus, finally. I know that just exercise alone isn't going to do it for me, but at least it's a start. Today, I did Tony Horton's Power 90 Sculpt It program for weightlifting. My youngest daughter, Tori, decided to join me for some of it. She's 2 and a half and way too cute for her own good. She started with "pushups" and then moved on to "lifting" the dumbbell. These are the times when I WISH I had a video camera. Oh my goodness, she was so doggone cute. When my older two were younger (think 3 and 4) they would also join me for "essercising". You know, kids really do watch what you do and often imitate it. This is one thing I would love for them to get...that exercising is important not just to look good, but to feel good, too. I hope that we'll exercise together when I'm 90!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New address!

Hi Everyone. I have a new blog address. I will leave this up for a week or two and then transfer everything there. Here is a picture of what is coming up. If you want to know more, go to my new blog!

Stamp happy!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stampin' Up! Weekend Crop

Oh dear. It's been a while since I've updated. I have to tell you how much fun I had at the Weekend Crop at Camp Elim. Yes, the camp is on the rustic side, but boy, the food and the space was amazing. The people and the make-n-takes were icing on the cake. I got so much done! Here are some pics of the people that came with me. We ate, scrapped, ate some more, danced a little, more scrapping and eating, watched movies, slept some, and of course, scrapped. Actually, there were lots of people making their own cards and gifts. I hope you want to all come next time. I just found out the dates. March 14th-16th and April 11=13th. You might want to sign up early. Once weekend filled up the day registration started.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hostess Gifts!

I found this great website and used the directions on it to make these great cards out of 5 pieces of 12X12 cardstock. Unfortunately, I can't find it again. I'll have to go looking through my internet history. The Double-Sided Designer Paper works perfect for these. I'm going to give a set of these to any one who hostesses a workshop in October. I used Brocade Background DSP, River Rock Textured and Chocolate Chip. I used a tiny bit of Old Olive, too. I used the same for ink colors. This was my first time using the Hodgpodge Hardware. I was definitely hoarding it. I used the bone folder to add some distressing. I used Wonderful Words, Warm Words and Background Sampler that my sweet upline, Jen, gave me. I haven't used that set much, but I really like it. The largest cards fit into business envelopes. I really like how these turned out. Email me with your workshop date if you want a set of these!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Reworking Convention Swaps

The Stampin' Up! Convention was so fun. I highly recommend you all go next year! One of the fun things about Convention is swapping. Thousands of women have cards, scrapbook pages, 3 D items, anything that stands still enough to be stamped and brought to Convention is there! Some of the swaps I got were perfect for workshops, others were perfect for clubs, still others worked for classes. So, I reworked this one that one of my friends got into something that worked for me.

Stamp sets: Big Pieces, Little Pieces, Holiday Wishes
Ink: Blue Bayou, Soft Sky, River Rock
Paper: Whisper White, Blue Bayou, River Rock Designer Paper (Palette of Prints)
Accessories: 3/4" circle punch, dimensionals

The one on the left is my version of the Make and Take from Convention. So, this wasn't a swap, but the idea is the same. Did you know you can dry emboss with the Crop-a-dile? Did you notice those dry embossed circles across the top of the PP and RR paper? I used the Crop-a-Dile to do it. I also can't believe how easy it is to set eyelets with it. I am really enjoying this tool! I didn't buy it before because it looked so cumbersome, but when I used it at Convention, boy, was I sold!
Stamps: Wanted
Ink: Purely Pomegranite
Paper: Purely Pomegranite Prints Designer Series Paper and Cardsock, Whisper White
Accesories: Double Stitched River Rock Ribbon, Scalloped punch, Crop-a-dile, Jumbo Eyelet

Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Tuesday

Hello. Okay, I meant to post yesterday, but was unable to. There is a very fun promotion called "Punch a Bunch". Buy the new Three for You Punch Box and get 30 textured Love Notes for free. The Love Notes are so cute. I have CASED (Copy and Share Everything) these samples from a great website called Splitcoaststampers. This one from a creative lady named "Simplykind" from splitcoast. She uses Wild Wasabi, Purely Pomegranite and Whisper White Cardstock. She also uses Gingham ribbon and our Vintage Brads. So, so cute!

This is from "willowsmama" also from splitcoast. This was quick and easy and also cute. She used the new scalloped punch that Stampin' Up! carries now. I loved this cute one.

I promise to start creating my own to show you, but what I love about this craft is that you can easily duplicate other people and make them your own. I didn't make any changes in these two because they were so cute just the way they are. Here's one more from splitcoast.


Saturday, August 18, 2007


Oh boy, oh boy! Convention was amazing. I learned so much and have just managed to process some of it. I am going to post some of the Make and Takes that we made the night of our Pajama Party. I walked through downtown Denver in my jammies and slippers!
This scrapbook page was one of my favorite of the night. Stampin' Up! took a picture of each of us so we could put it on our page. I had never played with the Build a Flower and Build a Brad. Those were very fun. I also loved coloring in the Outline Alphabet in with the Versamarker. That was very fun.

Recipe: Kraft 12X12, So Saffron Palette o' Prints, Build a Flower, Build a Brad, Wild Wasabi and Purely Pomegranite Cardstock, Wild Wasabi Double stitched ribbon, Hemp Twine, pop dots, Versamarker, Outline Alphabet.

We also made this cute box. I love the new taffeta ribbon that Stampin' Up! This chocolate chip ribbon is really pretty. We used the Happiness Background. We also used the On board Blossoms and Basics Chipboard. We learned to use the Sponge Daubers to put the color on the chipboard. It comes out a lot smoother. While I didn't do that in this example, I will in others. Well, we have GOT to get to the store. I will post more on Monday because I made a lot of fun cards with the Three for You Punch Box.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Brand New to Blogging!

Blogging is a really ugly word. Not ugly in the sense of meaning, but in the sense of sound. Blog. Go ahead. Say it. Blog. Sounds ugly doesn't it? Have you ever thought of that? Oh well. I will say things like that from time to time. It's how I'm wired.

Hello to all! I have decided to join you in the virtual world and post some of my inklings and inkings. Hope you like them!

These are two projects I have done with my clubs.

The first, uses Office Accoutrement. It is a very fun stamp set. The large flower used 2 techniques, Rock and Roll and Faux Shaving Cream. Rock and Roll is a very easy peasy but neat technique. You ink up a stamp in your lightest color. Then roll the edges in a darker coordinating color. Here I used Pale Plum and Purely Pomegranite. Monochromatic colors work really well for this technique as well. This is a great one to use with bold stamps.
The next technique I used was Faux Shaving Cream. I inked up a Stampin' Around Wheel Daisy Field in Purely Pomegranite and then rolled and twisted on the large flower. You can do this with several colors, but I just wanted one. Again, this is a technique to use on bold stamps.
The last thing I did was to punch out several ovals from the Large Oval Punch and place them behind the flower. I learned this from a poster on the amazing website I also learned about the Gate Fold there.
Details: Office Accoutrement stamp set, Stampin' Around Wheel Daisy Field and handle, Purely Pomegranite cardstock (cs) and ink, Pale Plum cs and ink, Large Oval Punch.

This cute little bag was inspired by a swap my upline received at Stampin' Ups Leadership Conference. Basically, I cut a lunch bag down to my desired size, covered it with cardstock, used the Word Window Punch to make the handles and then created a design for the front of it. Another easy peasy, but fun project! Details: Sweet Shapes stamp set Pixie Pink, Ballet Blue and Whisper White Cardstock. Pixie Pink and Ballet Blue classic pads. White Gel Pen. Word Window Punch.

Thanks for sticking with me while I try to get the hang of posting to a blog. I would love to hear from you any constructive critcisim or praise. Praise is really welcome, but I will admit that I do need help!